Interview Questions to Ask Your Care Provider

When you are interviewing your care provider (midwife, nurse-midwife, or doctor) before signing on for care (and you definitely should!), it’s difficult to know what questions to ask.  Some people worry that by asking questions, they will inadvertently offend the provider, or that they will “ask a stupid question” and be looked down upon.  I’ll tell you this right now….if your care provider is offended or treats you poorly for asking a legitimate question, they’re not the provider for you!  So how do you know what questions to ask and how to go about interviewing a care provider?  I’ll walk you through it…

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Lacey's Birth Story: Emalynn

I discovered I was finally pregnant with Emalynn almost 8 months after my husband and I began the journey to become pregnant. It seemed like those 8 months were truly years. I was anxious that something was wrong and that we wouldn’t be able to get pregnant. The day the test showed positive, I was an emotional wreck. Earlier that week I had taken 2 pregnancy tests and they had shown negative. The fact that it was positive was a shock, even though I wanted it so badly, and even though my body had been telling me for a while that it was beginning to support a new little life. I had been feeling sick and very tired. The positive pregnancy test was definitely an answer to all of our prayers. This was my second marriage and my 4th pregnancy. Our daughters were 13, 12, and 9. We had all been dreaming and praying that we would get the privilege to add another member to our family.

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A Midwife's Own Birth Story: Part Two "Hunter Jackson"

When I became pregnant with Hunter in 2010, I was not only thrilled that we would be welcoming a new little one into our family, but also that I would have the chance to give birth differently than with my daughter.   While her birth was wonderful (see my other blog posting “A Midwife’s Own Birth Story: Part One Keira Sage”), it felt like something was missing for me.  I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew I wanted something different….something more empowering. 

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What does a home birth look like?

I get asked this question frequently by first time moms or moms who have only ever had hospital births before, but this question doesn’t have a quick answer.  How do you describe the most incredible experience a mother will ever have?  How do you put into words the sense of astonishment and pride she will feel in herself when she reaches down to pull that sweet baby onto her chest for the first time?  Or the joy of a father at being able to catch his own baby? Or the emotional, physical and spiritual connection that develops between those persons present to witness another of God’s miracles?  I’ll never be able to fully put into words what a home birth looks like, but for those who’ve never experienced one, I’ll try…..

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A Midwife's Own Birth Story: Part One "Keira Sage"

I knew that I eventually wanted to be a midwife before I even got pregnant with Keira, but it was her birth that led me down the path of midwifery much sooner than I had initially planned.  I had wanted to wait until I was done having kids and they were all in school, but I found myself called to start my midwifery schooling when she was only a few months old.  My daughter and her birth changed me in many ways, and I’ll be forever grateful.  To fully understand how, I have to start a little further back…

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How I got started.....

Growing up, I changed my mind about what I wanted to be about every day, and sometimes twice.  Some days I wanted to be a ballerina, a professional horseback rider, a veterinarian, a teacher, a therapist, or even a kitten cuddle specialist (yes, to my 8 year old self, that would have been an awesome job creation just for me).  I had many professions that I felt I would be good at, or that I would enjoy doing, but I couldn’t seem to find my “calling”. 

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