Midwifery Care

Birth Experience

Imagine a softly lit room with your music playing in the background.  There are no strangers, no machines beeping, no wires from multiple devices wrapped around you.  You have the freedom to move as you wish, eat and drink as desired, and labor however you would like.  When you feel the urge to push, you are encouraged to trust your body…told you are powerful…told you are amazing.  In whatever position that feels best, you bring forth your baby into the world and bring him/her up onto your chest to nuzzle and nurse without disruption.  The umbilical cord is not cut until after the cord has completely stopped pulsing or the placenta has delivered, and your baby never moves from your chest for at least an hour, and then only so that we can do the newborn exam right next to you.

While this is just an example since no two births are alike, this gives you an idea of what a “typical” birth is like with us.  You will have the freedom to choose what is important to you and how you want to experience your birth.  Whether you desire a water birth, older children to be present, you or your partner to catch your baby, pictures/video, etc....all of that is possible!  While our role as your care providers is to help ensure the safety of you and your baby, it is also very important to us that you enjoy your birthing experience.  It is a once in a lifetime moment, and we want to make it as personalized and as special for you as possible.

Midwifery Care Experience

When you make the decision to have a Licensed Midwife as your care provider for your pregnancy and delivery, there are numerous benefits you and your baby will receive.  Not only is a Licensed Midwife a SAFE alternative to a physician for low-risk women, but the individualized quality of care and the bond you develop with your Midwife is unmatched.  

 Since we plan each visit to take 45 minutes on average, there is always plenty of time for discussion regarding anything that may be going on in your life.   Pregnancy is not just about your vital signs or your uterus and the baby inside of it; it encompasses your whole being in ways that are physical, emotional and spiritual.  We want to get to know you and build a relationship with you so that when the time comes for your baby’s arrival, it is truly a more intimate and joyous occasion for us all. 


You are welcome to bring whomever you would like to your visits (including your other children).  We love having partners and siblings involved in prenatal care since this is an event that will change the lives of everyone.  We think it is a good opportunity for other family members to also ask questions, feel more at ease with the transition that is to come and to get involved with the pregnancy.  We encourage children to help us listen for “their baby’s heartbeat” during the visit since we feel that this small act can have a large impact on their relationship with you and the new baby, and get them excited about the changes to come.  Since pregnancy does not only involve the mother, midwifery care seeks to incorporate all family members into the process. 

You will be apprised of all tests, procedures, protocols, as well as the benefits/risks to each of them so that you will be able to make an informed decision that is right for you and your baby.  We are not here to judge you, or tell you what to do with your body or baby.  We will give you the information needed to be able to make an informed decision, and then honor whatever you decide.  You know yourself and your baby better than anyone, and that should be appreciated and taken into consideration when it comes to choices you will need to make.  We are here to help you navigate your path; not tell you which path to take.