Kasandra's Birth Story: Kaylee

“In early 2016, I was diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) which meant when my husband and I decided to have a child, it would be very difficult.  (Reading that line “when my husband and I decided” is quite funny now.)  Shortly after that I started praying to God to make me fruitful; I had no idea what that would entail for me!

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Shannon's Birth Story: Parker

I woke up early before anyone else on the morning of January 28th to take a pregnancy test. I remember feeling so anxious to see the results. I knew I would be heartbroken to see another negative test, after trying for 13 months to get pregnant. I sat there in the bathroom shaking while I prayed that God’s Will be done and that no matter what the results were, I would be content. (Philippians 4:4) I looked to find a POSITIVE TEST! Praise God! 

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Your Placenta....It's What's Good for You!!

“You ate your what?!?!”

“Ewwww….that’s gross!!  We’re not animals!”                  

“What are the benefits of doing that?”     

“How do you eat it?”

“Do you have to have a home birth to do that?”

“How do I find someone to help me with it and what does it cost?”

These are the questions/statements I hear most often when people find out that not only do I encapsulate placentas, but that I ate my own!  When people hear about placenta encapsulation, they usually react in one of several ways: 1) Curiosity, 2) Disgust, or 3) Fascination.  I’m going to answer the questions that many people ask when they want to learn more, and then you can decide for yourself if placenta encapsulation is right for you!

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Childbirth Education Classes....Why do I Need Them?

Statistically, people do more research when buying a car than they do when having a baby...isn't that shocking?!  I think childbirth education (CBE) classes are the equivalent to taking Driver’s Ed when you’re a teenager: 1) You take them because you want to and should know what’s going on within the “vehicle”, 2) So that you learn how to take action to make appropriate decisions, and 3) So that you don’t have regrets after the fact if things don’t go your way.  But what type of CBE class should you take?  Where should you take them?  When should you start?  What will the classes discuss?  Do you need to take them if you already took CBE classes with a previous pregnancy or if this is your 2nd, 3rd, 10th child?  What happens if you don’t take them?  Keep reading if you want to find out…

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Knowing Your Options & Creating a Birth Plan

Did you know that the average couple spends more time researching what car to lease or what house to buy than they do preparing for the birth of their child?  Don’t be a statistic!  Learn about your options so that you can make the best decisions possible regarding your pregnancy, birth and the start of your baby’s life.  In doing so, you can use these options and the ones that are important to you, to create a birth plan to share with your care provider and your doula to make sure you all are on the same page (and if you’re not, it’s time to think about finding someone who is).  Here are some choices you have that you may have never thought about or known were choices before…

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A Midwife's Own Birth Story: Part Two "Hunter Jackson"

When I became pregnant with Hunter in 2010, I was not only thrilled that we would be welcoming a new little one into our family, but also that I would have the chance to give birth differently than with my daughter.   While her birth was wonderful (see my other blog posting “A Midwife’s Own Birth Story: Part One Keira Sage”), it felt like something was missing for me.  I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew I wanted something different….something more empowering. 

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What does a home birth look like?

I get asked this question frequently by first time moms or moms who have only ever had hospital births before, but this question doesn’t have a quick answer.  How do you describe the most incredible experience a mother will ever have?  How do you put into words the sense of astonishment and pride she will feel in herself when she reaches down to pull that sweet baby onto her chest for the first time?  Or the joy of a father at being able to catch his own baby? Or the emotional, physical and spiritual connection that develops between those persons present to witness another of God’s miracles?  I’ll never be able to fully put into words what a home birth looks like, but for those who’ve never experienced one, I’ll try…..

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How I got started.....

Growing up, I changed my mind about what I wanted to be about every day, and sometimes twice.  Some days I wanted to be a ballerina, a professional horseback rider, a veterinarian, a teacher, a therapist, or even a kitten cuddle specialist (yes, to my 8 year old self, that would have been an awesome job creation just for me).  I had many professions that I felt I would be good at, or that I would enjoy doing, but I couldn’t seem to find my “calling”. 

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