Elise's Birth Story: River

"2 days after my due date I had been having contractions consistently since 6am every ten minutes. Naps, cleaning, chiropractor appointment, walking, and eating all that day didn't speed things up. I would have bouts where the contractions would be 5 minutes apart but would slow back down any time I rested. I gave my birth team a heads up that this looked just like my other labors and we were going to be in it for the long haul. 

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Ways for Dads to Bond with Baby

Most of the time, it’s easy for mom to be able to bond with her baby.  She’s been feeling her little one inside her for nine months, gave birth and then is feeding the baby frequently (or for what feels like all day!).  But what about dad?  Where does he fit in when it comes to caring for and bonding with his child?  It’s not uncommon for fathers to feel left out once baby arrives, but here are some things dad can do to bond with his child from early on:

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